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Rhode Island State Legislature

The State of Rhode Island General Assembly is the state legislature of Rhode Island.  The Rhode Island General Assembly is a bicameral body composed of the lower Rhode Island House of Representatives and the upper Rhode Island Senate.  The Rhode Island General Assembly does not have term limits.  The General Assembly meets at the Rhode Island State House in Providence.

The Rhode Island Senate is the upper house of the Rhode Island General Assembly.  It is composed of 38 Senators, each of whom is elected to a two-year term.  Rhode Island is one of the 14 states where its upper house serves at a two-year cycle, rather than the normal four-year term as in the majority of states.  The Senate can confirm or reject gubernatorial appointments to executive departments, commissions, boards, or justices to the Rhode Island Supreme Court.  The President of the Senate presides over the Senate.  The President appoints members to all of the Senate’s committees and joint committees, and creates other committees and subcommittees if desired.  In the Senate President’s absence, the President Pro Tempore presides.

The Rhode Island House of Representatives is the lower house of the Rhode Island General Assembly.  The House is composed of 75 Representatives from an equal amount of constituencies, each of whom is elected to a two year term.  The Speaker of the House presides over the House of Representatives.  As well as presiding over the body, the Speaker is also the chief leadership position, and controls the flow of legislation.

The State of Rhode Island General Assembly

Inside Rhode Island State Legislature