The Indiana General Assembly is the state legislature of Indiana. The Indiana General Assembly is a bicameral legislature that consists of a lower house, the Indiana House of Representatives, and an upper house, the Indiana Senate. The state legislature meets in the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis. Members of the General Assembly are elected from districts that are realigned every ten years. Representatives serve terms of two years and senators serve terms of four years. Both houses can create bills, but bills must pass both houses before they can be submitted to the governor and enacted into law.
The Indiana State Senate consists of 50 members elected to four-year terms without term limits. The Lieutenant Governor presides over the Senate while it is in session and casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie. The Senate offices are located in the west wing of the second floor of the Indiana Statehouse, and the Senate chambers are on the west wing of the third floor.
The Indiana House of Representatives consists of 100 members elected to two-year terms without term limits. The Speaker presides over the House. The House offices are located in the east wing of the second floor of the Indiana Statehouse, and the House Chambers are on the third floor.
The Governor has the power to veto any bill passed by the General Assembly. The General Assembly may in turn override his veto by a passing the bill with a another simple majority vote, two thirds of the members of each house. Bills passed by a super majority automatically become law without requiring the signature of the Governor. Each house can initiate legislation except bills affecting revenue. Revenue bills can be initiated only by the House of Representatives.
The General Assembly has the power to regulate the state’s judiciary system by setting the size of the courts and the bounds of their districts. The body also has the authority to monitor the activities of the executive branch of the state government, has limited power to regulate the county governments within the state, and has sole power to initiate the process to amend the state constitution.
In order to become a member of the Indiana General Assembly, a person must have been a United States Citizen for a minimum of two years prior to his candidacy and must have been resident of the district which he seeks to represent for one year. Senators must be at least 25 years of age and Representatives 21 when sworn into office. The candidate cannot hold any other public office in the state or federal government during their term. The candidate must also be a registered voter within the district they seek to represent.
Under Indiana law, legislators cannot be arrested while the General Assembly is in session unless the crime they commit is treason, a felony, or breach of the peace.