The Department of Transportation (DOT) was established by an act of Congress on October 15, 1966. The Department of Transportation is a federal department of the United States government concerned with transportation. The head of the Department of Transportation is a member of the cabinet.
The Department of Transportation provides policies and programs for efficient and economical transportation systems and services. It protects and enhances the safety, adequacy, accessible of transportation.
The Department of Transportation consists of an office of secretary and eleven individual operating administrations.
The Secretary of Transportation is the head of the Department of Transportation. The Secretary of Transportation is the principal advisor to the President in all matters relating to federal transportation programs. The Secretary is assisted by the Deputy Secretary. The Office of Secretary oversees the formulation of national transportation policy and promotes intermodal transportation.
The responsibilities of the Office of Secretary are:
- Negotiation and implementation of international transportation agreements,
- Assuring the fitness of US airlines,
- Enforcing airline consumer protection regulations,
- Issuance of regulations to prevent alcohol and illegal drug misuse in transportation systems and
- Preparing transportation legislation.
The individual operating organizations of the Department of Transportation are:
- The Federal Aviation Administration:
- The Federal Highway Administration,
- The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration,
- The Federal Railroad Administration,
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
- The Federal Transit Administration,
- The Maritime Administration,
- The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation,
- The Research and Innovative Technologies Administration,
- The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, and
- The Surface Transportation Board.